
‘Chichi’ also known as Santo Tomas hosts the biggest market in Central America.

This pretty white-washed highland town is most famous for its market. On market days (Sunday & Thursday) Chichi comes alive with some of the 20,000 indigenious people that live in the surrounding hills who flock to the town to sell their wares.

Wander through the sea of traditional costumes of the Mayan people and bargain for some of the vast array of beautiful crafts from rugs, weavings, masks and carvings.  The colourful food market is worth a visit and is a fantastic way to meet the locals and people watch.

On market days the Mayan priests hold ceremonies and make offerings to their gods inside the Catholic Church creating an interesting mix of faiths.

The accommodation is fairly simple and rustic but it’s well worth staying in town to beat the crowds in the early morning though as Chichi is close to both Antigua and Lake Atitlan (at most 2.5 hours) day trips are possible.

There are a number of fascinating highland towns and villages in the area worth visiting and our local guides can help you explore.

Hone your bartering skills and pick up a bargain

When to go: All year round

"Guatemala was the highlight – an amazing diverse and thoroughly beautiful country – I am sure we will return"

I Trundle

"Excursions were extremely good with very knowledgeable guides"

K & J Cooper

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