Refugio Amazonas Hotel

A charming 32 bedroom lodge, it is well placed immediately adjacent to the Tambopata National Reserve. Surrounded by a mosaic of waterways and habitats and a Brazil nut operation where local families sustainably harvest the nuts from the surrounding rainforest, to ensure that they share in the benefits of ecotourism.

The accommodation is spread through 4 wings reached by raised walkways, the rooms all have en suites and the loft above the dining room has great canopy level views.

In collaboration with ANIA an environmental education NGO, Refugio Amazonas caters for families with children of all ages with trails specifically designed for little legs!


"Many thanks for organising our expedition, we had a wonderful time and met some lovely people"

P Philson

"Our guide was more than excellent, he taught us so much about the Incas he made it come alive"

J & R Goodman

"We experienced so many different things and feel very lucky to have seen so many amazing sights"

W & S Andrews

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